Monday, April 11, 2011

Take Me Out to the Ball Game!

It's official. Baseball season has started. And I am not talking about the Cubs or the Sox or the Yankees or the Red Sox. (that covers all the teams we favor in my house) I mean for my children. Simon and Zion (thank G-d) are on the same team. One game a week. For about an hour and a big deal.  Then, there are Andrew and Issac. They both play house league which equates to 3 games a week (2 during the week and 1 on Saturday) and a 2 hour practice on Sundays. They both play travel league. That requires a 2 hour practice, also on Sundays. (Andrew's 2 practices are back to back, my poor baby! Issac gets a couple hours in between his.)

We don't have the travel league game schedule yet, but Andrew already has a practice game this coming Friday night. Once the season is underway, it will be about 2-3 games a week plus tournaments for both boys. Then, the grand finale of Cooperstown for Andrew this year. We all get to go watch him play at Dreams Park this year and visit the Baseball Hall of Fame. Then, onto to NYC to see Uncle Lance and Aunt Roya, and hopefully, the Yankees.

Last year, as exhausting as it was to be running pretty much every day and/or night of the week to watch my boys, I loved it! I love watching them in action and watching, how over the course of a season, they improve and grow and the amazing connection their teams have with one another out on the field. They have VERY dedicated coaches, who volunteer their time, (last year, Issac's coach for both house and travel didn't even have a kid on the team!) and teach the boys a lot. I also enjoyed getting a pretty sweet tan :o)

This year, it is different. Not because I am not looking forward to watching my kids or because it takes extreme dedication and commitment from all of us to participate, but because I cannot drive. (Yes, we're back to this again.) I have entered all the schedules that we have so far into our calendar and my head is spinning. It's no different than last year. But this time, until July 13, (not that I'm counting) it is all on poor Steve.

When we split the driving , it is a lot. But now, he has to keep running around. Yesterday, for example, he drove the boys to Sunday school. He took me to Sunset and Fresh Farms. Simon called at 10am to say he didn't feel well. Back Steve went. Then, back at 1045am to get Zion and Issac and to drop Andrew off. From there, he took Issac to practice number 1. Ran an errand, took Zion to lunch and came home. He went back and picked Issac up. Then he picked Andrew up. Next, he took Andrew to practice number 1 and then he took me to Target. We were home a little while when he had to drop Issac off at the next practice a few minutes early so he could get Andrew on time from his first practice and get him to practice number 2.(He also grabbed a hat for Andrew, who of course, forgot to take one with after I told him at least 10 times to bring ALL of his stuff with. When Andrew said he forgot it, I told him too bad.) Home for a while, then back out to pick Issac up. Andrew, thank goodness, got a ride home from his coach. Steve was driving back and forth for over 10 hours yesterday, with really, very little time for anything else.

To Steve, I say this: I LOVE YOU. We all love you. I am so fortunate to have found you and to have you in my life. I am so blessed to have you as husband, who loves my children so much, he gives everything of himself to them as if they were his own. I feel truly lucky to know that as much as you love relaxing on your weekends and watching the Sox/Hawks/Bulls, still get up and take care of everything without complaining.  There are not enough words to say thank you and to tell you how much I (we) appreciate you. So, I am writing it here. I LOVE YOU and I APPRECIATE YOU. xoxox


  1. from the aunts & uncles ... we talk about how amazing you are, too, steve. from us, as well ... we love and appreciate you!

  2. You both sound pretty damn lucky. Nice.
