Here's the advantage to purchasing appliances kids know how to use: they can do things for you.
The Keurig has to be one of my all time favorite inventions. I've had mine for over 2.5 years. I purchased it before all the hype at Target, Costco and Bed, Bath & Beyond. I bought mine while watching QVC one day. (yes, I used to watch this channel sometimes) I did not realize how this machine would change my life. To have coffee (or hot chocolate or tea) in under a minute?! To have any flavor you may want to have? Any brand?? Genius!!!! I admit that this machine, while it did get a lot of use, has gotten the most use in the last couple of months since I cannot do my Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks daily runs. And, it has saved me a ton of money as well!!!!
What is even better is that my Issac now loves to play barista and make my coffee for me. He knows exactly how I like it, with extra cream and 2 sweeteners. And, he takes such pride in making my coffee. He does a little dance and strikes up a conversation with me, just like they do at Starbucks. Only, I have no line to wait in and no one in front of me ordering a double tall decaf soy chai latte with sugar free hazelnut. When I want a refill, Issac is more than happy to take care of that as well.
I need to find more appliances that are kid friendly for my house. Maybe, I should have Issac make me some coffee and I should watch some QVC and see what other cool new appliances I can get for my house.
My wonderful children bought us the Keurig for our Anniversary last year. Everything you said about it is true. It is the best Anniversary Gift we have ever received. I just love it! I am so proud of Issac. What a cute Barista!!