Hi everyone! Long time, no writing! I cannot believe it has been about 3 months since I have written. Let's see....what has gone on in 3 months.
I became a merchandiser for a great new company called chloe + isabel. Check it out: www.kerrykleinbutman.chloeandisabel.com
I am still working for Boom Entertainment and loving it!!!! I love the guys I work with. It truly makes going to work a pleasure. Although, I am missing Digital Dave since he is not working out of the office anymore.
My I had his tonsils taken out over Spring Break.....that was a LONG week. But...during the week I began reading the Fifty Shades trilogy...I read all 3 books in 5 days. I hadn't read a book for pleasure in about 15 years...so, thank you Christian Grey (and E.L. James) for getting me back into a hobby that I used to absolutely LOVE and I have missed so much.
Baseball season is back in full swing in our house...all 4 boys are playing and the 2 big boys are also playing travel as well. I wish I could blame the state of my house on baseball. Unfortunately, I cannot. My children, as much as I love them and they are my entire world, are, for lack of a better word, pigs. Do not misunderstand. My house is clean. It's just a disaster--the boys leave things all over, not bothering to put things in their proper places or caring as to whether they will trip over anything. They take things out of the pantry, and do not put them back. They come home from a game, remove their belt and leave it in the kitchen. I wash and fold their clothes and they do not put them away. There are piles of clean clothes all over their rooms. I have basically given up on their bedrooms. It's a losing battle and I do not have the time nor the energy to fight anymore. I have simply given up. I keep the bedroom doors closed.
As far as the rest of the house is concerned, there is stuff everywhere too. I yell, I beg, I ask nicely, and no matter which way I do it---they all simply refuse to listen. I have stopped packing lunches and cooking dinners. (They are very lucky that my husband pities them.) At one point, I did not shop for the pantry for about a month because I was sick of them messing it up every single day. Last night, I did shop and came home to find a horrid mess. I cleaned it up while no one was home. The sad thing is: no one noticed it. They all just assume that a fairy sweeps thru the house when they aren't looking and cleans up and puts away all of their things.
I wish I had the time to run around the house and wait for them to drop things so I could pick up after them. (well, not really)I wish I could afford to hire someone to take care of the house. (When the boys were younger and before I remarried, I did have help. Life was different then. I am wondering if this spoiled the kids into thinking they didn't need to clean up after themselves.) I am a working mom of 4 boys. There is endless laundry, bills and mail to be sorted thru and paid, homework to supervise, carpooling to be done, and that other thing that is rare--sleep. I am not Super Woman. It's time to admit defeat. I cannot do it all. To be honest, I just don't even care anymore. And, that makes me sad. Society says I should care.
I am going to take the words of advice my brother Lance, who turns 34 years old today, gave me years ago: Fuck it.
A day will come, when you can't believe that every child has left the house and there is nothing to clean up after. I know it seems like a million years away, but take it from someone (with four children) it will go by in a blink. So take Lance's advice for now, and know that you are a fabulous mother that manages everyday like a pro!!