Last night, Steve and I had dinner with our good friends, Robin & Stu. I met them when I first moved here and my son Andrew and their son Noah became VERY good friends. Actually, I met Robin when I was looking at houses. She was outside waiting for the bus with Noah and I was looking at the house next door. I asked her questions about the neighborhood and the area. Fast forward about 7-8 months and our boys were playing baseball together and it dawned on me that she was the woman I spoke with! Anywho, Andrew absolutely adores them and their boys. He loves hanging out with them and is very comfortable with them...sometimes a little too much LOL
So...we finally found a night that the 4 grownups could have dinner together. We, of course, discuss the boys and what is going on with school. Noah and Andrew have pretty much every class together this year and were just on the volleyball team together. (Many thanks to Robin & Stu for helping me out everyday with driving Andrew) So, Robin mentions the project that the boys had just finished up. Let me preface this by saying I didn't even know about this project. My wonderful son failed to mention that he had to do this. Robin called me to say that Noah & Andrew were partners and she needed to pick Andrew up to video tape them for part of it. I ask Andrew what the project is about. He tells me some jumbled story and that it's under control. Mhmmm. Little did I know that when he said "under control" he meant that Robin was handling the homework. As it turns out, Robin is a master with the iMac and I am challenged. I am lucky I even know how to turn this thing on. She knows how to use Garage Band and iMovie and all sorts of other things on here that just look like pretty little pics at the bottom of my screen. Well, long story short, even though Robin earns an A for her hard work on this assignment, the boys did not fare as well. I was mortified and humiliated that she did all this work and I had no such knowledge of anything. As you can see (well not really as you are not in my house, but pretend for me).....the "Mom of the Year" award is not hanging on my wall. This is just one of many reasons why there isn't one. You can call me on January 1st, each year, by noon, and I can tell you why I won't be earning the award for that year.
Andrew also told me that our friends were leaving Monday for Arizona. I found out this was false. I imagine he told me this because he is in severe trouble with me and when I told him his Spring Break would be rather miserable as punishment, he quipped back that all his good friends were leaving town. He told me destinations, dates of departure, etc.... I found out that none of this was true. But, good job for being quick on your feet, Drew. Too bad I am not nearly as quick. Guess I need to do a better job with MY homework.
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